Well, it has not been all that bad...As from my last post you would see that I spent Sunday in bed. I went in to work on Monday and Tuesday, as it was month end and I had to finalise things for a farewell party. Although feeling grotty over the 2 days.
Tuesday night, we had our usual social scrapbook evening at Ellie's home and I got spoilt by my very special friends: Ellie, Jenny, Gail and Charmian with these awesome goodies for my birthday.
Woke up on Wednesday morning feeling as sick as a dog. So much so, that the Doctor booked me off till Monday. With a view to clearing the bad chest infection I had. Being pregnant does not help either, not too much that I can take...apart from a lot of bed rest. Amy had been at Granny's house since Tuesday, as she was off sick from school, and we did not want her to get any worse either. So, I managed to get a lot of uninterrupted bed rest, which did help.
On the fun side of things, I received this in the mail on Monday from a swap I took part in on a Scrapping site. My secret pal Cynthia sent me all these awesome goodies to play with, sure going to have some fun putting it all to good use.
This was a RAK I won on Teri's blog. She was so sweet to even send me some yummy dark chocolate to go with it...my all time fav!
Now, for some {Peanut} update...or should I say {She}, now that we know the sex. I am almost 6 months, and so far I seem to be carrying quite well. Below is a picture of me at 5 months vs to my last pregnancy with Amy. As I never got round to posting on that.
By now you can probably feel your baby move around. Enjoy it, those butterfly flutters are one of the true joys of pregnancy. She's also giving her new digestive system a little practice by swallowing amniotic fluid, from which she absorbs nutrients and water. The unabsorbed matter continues into her bowel where it concentrates into meconium, the greenish black or light brown substance she'll pass the first few days after she's born. The foetus can hear and recognise his mother's voice.Though still small and fragile, the foetus is growing rapidly and could possibly survive if born at this stage.Fingernails and fingerprints appear. Sex organs are visible and using an ultrasound device, your health care professional can tell if the child is a girl or a boy. The foetus is 14 - 16 cm long crown-to-rump, weighs about 280 -340 grams and is more active now, moving from side to side or turning around. You may begin to feel your baby's movements (called quickening). The movement is usually gentle and fluttery. You may recognise this sooner if you've been pregnant before. Babies are often more active in the evenings. A protective greasy substance - Vernix Caseosa - covers the baby's skin. This helps to prevent abrasions, infections and make the baby slippery for an easier delivery. The lanugo hair also helps keep the vernix caseosa on the skin.
Just as they say above, {She} really has started moving around quite a bit of late, and seems to be very active inside, but all I can say it is such an amazing feeling to be able to know that there is this little person growing stronger everyday inside my tummy...really feel blessed, and thank God for it everyday.
The photos below are from our 22 weeks scan, just wanted to share with you.
Here are pics of me at 5 months then and now...
Sorry it has taken me so long to post this, but it has been a loooong week of trying to get better from this blasted flu.
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