31 August, 2010

Last Day

Today, as a Pebbles Inc Designer...

It has been a wonderful and creative year working with all their awesome products.

A BIG thank you to Lindsey and all at Pebbles Inc, you made my dream come true of being on a Manufacturing Design Team.

Here are my last few LOs to share with you.

Thanks for looking...


  1. loved all your Pebbles designs!!! Looking forward to seeing your next DT work ;-)

  2. that year went fast, didn't it :)

    keep in touch, lindsay

  3. You did an awesome job for Pebbles!!! Well done!!!

    Can't wait to see what your next venture will be ...

    Love, T

  4. Your layouts are gorgeous... you really did a great job... well done.

  5. Loving all Your PI designs and I'm sure it's a bittersweet day for you!


Thanks for stopping by, I love reading all your comments...♥