14 July, 2008

Love me one of these

It's by FISKARS and it is called the Rock Paper Trimmer...

I love it for it's colour, but check it out, has a place for your Ipod...how cool is that.

What will they think of next!!!


  1. I agree. It looks lovely. Do you think it will be available here in SA? I am really feeling very starved of good scrapbooking stuff.

  2. Oh wow, I think it would look nicer in purple/mauve!!!

    I agree with Jacqui, things always take so long to get to SA.

  3. Hi Jacqui. Just to let you know, I have seen it just yesterday at the Scrapbook Emporium at the Design Quarter Lifestyle Centre here in Fourways ... sorry if this just make you all drewl a bit more ...

  4. Oops, sorry Sophia. I did not look at the price as it was displayed in the shopfront window.

  5. OMG that is too awesome!!! Off to check it out!!!


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