Durban hosted the "Your Baby & Barney" show this weekend.

They were trying to break the world record of having X amount of pregnant women under the same roof. Any women that was 12 weeks pregnant could register on their site and that gave us free access to the whole expo, plus show for the women, you had to bring proof to show you were pregnant.
Durban had 948 and Joburg still holds the record for 1144, maybe next year Durban.
We got goodie bags; muffins, croissants and coffee/tea and free access to the Barney show with one child under the age of 10.
Then to top all that off, they had the {Barney} show for the kids. Not only did they have Barney, but Noddy, Big Ears and Dino Doll from Toy Land in America. They also threw in Froggy from SA's local Clamber Club. Amy loved dancing, singing and doing the actions to all the songs.

Got to walk around the expo looking at various stands with lovely eye candy, but I was good and did not buy anything. I think I have the majority of the things already. Will just stock up with little things for the nursery, once Amy has moved into her new room.
I would say, that was a morning well spent by Amy and mom. Now off to relax, watch a movie or two.
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