17 August, 2008

Weekend Update

When visiting Tracy on Thursday to help with her blogging issues, I picked up my yummy goodies we both bought on the internet...look at all those yummy Thickers, I am in glitter heaven!!!

It was a beautiful day on Friday......nice and hot, so I managed to capture these cute pics of the girls. I think they will look great on a LO soon.

The Look...

Love this one...

On Saturday morning while looking after the girls, I thought Chloe was far too quiet, then upon going to look for her, found her in Amy's room chatting to her dolls, too cute for words...very precious indeed.

My little bookworm, starting early...

Today, we spent the day at Murray's folks as his cousins where coming for lunch, as they are down from PE. This was also the first time for Amy & Chloe to meet their little cousins, Joshua & Megan (will upload photo tomorrow, as not downloaded yet). They all got along very well and played nicely. It was a lovely day spent, even though the weather was cold and miserable.

Managed to also complete my LO for Tracy's IF Challenge over at her blog.

Movie time with hubby, chat to you all soon.


  1. haha you little shopaholic!! Your girls are so cute!! hey you look great in your baby bump pic. How far along were you at that time?

  2. awww cute! those are really lovely pics of your girls, i'm sure we will see many LO's featuring them in the near future...

    i really like your 'if' LO.

  3. Love your pics... Chloe looks just like her mom.

  4. Those Thickers are divine - I have also just bought some.

    Chloe is just getting sooo cute - I can just picture her chatting to the dolls - ha ha

    I love your "If" layout.

  5. Hi Sophia! I "found" you on Jacki's blog! (Thanks Jacki for linking us to our fellow SA scrapper/bloggers!)

    Your new stash looks really yummy! Great pics of your girls too - bet you can't wait to get the stash and the pics together!

    You preggy pic is so fab! I definately didn't look that good when I was pregnant!

    Will pop in again soon!


  6. I LOVE thickers too...pity we can't get them in SA hey!
    You have super cute girls!
    Keep well.

  7. Hi Sophs

    Your girls are absolutely gorgeous!!!

    Your stash looks even more yummy in real life (tee hee) ...

    Thickers are available in SA - I know that Scrap'n 4 Africa stocks them ...



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